PuzzleLife PuzzlePad Criss Cross Super

PuzzleLife PuzzlePad Criss Cross Super

Goditi la rivista PuzzleLife PuzzlePad Criss Cross Super e l’accesso illimitato a oltre 8,000 riviste sul tuo tablet e sul tuo smartphone. Leggi quanto vuoi per soli € 14,99 al mese.

Informazioni su PuzzleLife PuzzlePad Criss Cross Super

PuzzlePad Criss Cross Super It's an extended concept in puzzle pad range – a larger format of the chunky pad of puzzles that you can tear out and solve at your leisure. PuzzleLife PuzzlePad Criss Cross' 96 puzzles are crammed with a variety of criss crosses to keep you on your toes, making it just the thing for the puzzle fan who's on the move – or, of course, who fancies sitting down to solve a pad of puzzles!

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